Christmas Voucher

What to get friends and relatives you barely know? Has your office Secret Santa match left you stumped? Let our shopping script do they buying for you!

If you’ve signed up someone to the bot for Christmas, click here to get a three page voucher that explains the project and what you’ve gotten them involved with.

Note that due to shipping times, if you sign up someone today they won’t get packages by the 25th. But you can stuff their stocking with the above voucher and explain that they should expect a number of interesting surprise packages in the new year.

Left Over Funds

I got a good question in last week by email…

Q: If I cancel my subscription, will I still receive all of the packages that are on there way or not yet purchased? If I had, say, $10 left over that the bot hasn’t spent, will the bot continue to spend that money and send packages after I cancel?

A: You will get all the packages that you paid for. So if you cancel and have $10 left, the bot will continue to spend the money and send packages. This means that you will likely continue getting a package every now and then well after you have canceled the subscription.

Faster Bot Reporting

Until a few days ago, the bot hasn’t reported packages that it had bought until it got confirmation from the vendors and had sourced product images…. which resulted in oftentimes a big delay between when the bot placed an order and when it showed up on the site. No More!

I’ve updated the bot to start reporting packages ordered immediately. It will still take time for us to get the exact estimated arrival date and keywords for packages. However as soon as an order is created you will see it as a ‘mystery’ package with very large estimated arrival window. Once the bot has confirmed a purchase for that order it will tell you what keywords were used and more precisely when it will show up.