New Bobcat Unboxing Videos!!! @The_Macula @dollarcraft @rhonda_greene

I just added a bunch of new videos to our video section… take a few minutes and check them out.

There are a bunch from Heather Mann’s Crafty Bobcat series, one from Rhonda Greene and a couple from Macula in the UK who has so far received some tiny beads and a cheap but strange ring.

From these videos, it appears that there was a glut of cheap beads on eBay a couple weeks ago.

If you are doing anything creative with Bobcat In A Box – video or otherwise – and want to share send me an email at

Have a great weekend everyone!

Keywords & Unintended Consequences

When you sign up for the bot you can enter keywords to limit the items that the bot buys for you. For example, ‘Anime’ and ‘Beads’ are popular keywords. Without any keyword, the bot just buys random items for you.

Before selecting keywords it is worth taking a look on eBay to see what turns up. Sometimes the results are surprising. For example, the keyword ‘Awesome’ frequently returns old stamps used by the Nazis. If there are some items you would like to avoid, just include negative keywords when you sign up. Put a minus sign in front of any negative keywords (i.e. -nazis). Or you can email me directly at and I will update your profile.