Item Of The Day: X-Men Minifigures

Over on Instagram, subscriber lisabisalovesyou has posted this collection of minifigures sent by the bot. From right to left it looks like she has a young professor X, an angry red-headed magneto/flash, Blue Beetle, Storm wearing a Pink Floyd shirt, a blonde angry robot, angry Psylocke, an ominously grinning Beast and finally Rogue all the way on the left.

There are some funny looking minifigures in the system. We have old Batman…

There is also of course wizarding Batman, ready to fight the Joker in Middle Earth and search for horcruxes in his batmobile.

Have you heard of Calendar Man? An obscure DC supervillan, Calendar Man is known for committing crimes that correspond with holidays and significant dates. He often wears costumes to correlate with the date of the designated crime.